Black Adam is an upcoming superhero film that delves into the compelling story of one of DC Comics' most intriguing antiheroes. Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the titular character, the movie offers a fresh take on Black Adam's origins and his quest for vengeance. Set in the DC Extended Universe, the film explores Black Adam's complex backstory as an ancient Egyptian prince bestowed with god-like powers. As he emerges from centuries of imprisonment, Black Adam seeks to balance his own brand of justice and confront those who have wronged him. With its blend of action, mythology, and moral ambiguity, "Black Adam" promises an exhilarating cinematic experience, showcasing the rise of an antihero with a formidable presence and a determination to reshape the world.
DC Comics LED Illuminated Poster Signs bring your favorite character to life with brightly lit inkjet print, embedded in a solid slimline Acrylic (PMMA) body.
The high-end posters illuminate the graphic and have a unique 'neon-style' edge glow that adds a magic atmosphere to any room in the house!
The LED sign is both safe and economical to use. For Indoor Use. Wall mounted or suspended from ceiling.
Body: Acrylic (PMMA)
Size: 9x15.7in /23x40cm
Thickness: 0.5" /1cm
Graphic: Inkjet + Screen Printing
Lighting: High Durability LED
POWER-ADAPTER: Wall Plug-in type, 110-230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, Output 12V DC, 0.5A. Energy use 6 Watt. The power adapter is fully UL certified, holds additional certifications for International use.
MOUNTING: Wall Mounted.