Black Adam is an upcoming superhero film that introduces the complex and intriguing character from the DC Comics universe. Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Black Adam, the movie explores his origin story and his transformation into a powerful antihero. Set within the DC Extended Universe, the film follows Black Adam's journey of seeking revenge and justice against those who have wronged him. With its blend of action, mythology, and compelling storytelling, "Black Adam" promises an exciting cinematic experience, showcasing a captivating antihero and his quest for redemption.
DC Comics LED Illuminated Poster Signs bring your favorite character to life with brightly lit inkjet print, embedded in a solid slimline Acrylic (PMMA) body.
The high-end posters illuminate the graphic and have a unique 'neon-style' edge glow that adds a magic atmosphere to any room in the house!
The LED sign is both safe and economical to use. For Indoor Use. Wall mounted or suspended from ceiling.
Body: Acrylic (PMMA)
Size: 23.6x15.7x0.5in /60x40x1cm
Thickness: 0.5" /1cm
Graphic: Inkjet + Screen Printing
Lighting: High Durability LED
POWER-ADAPTER: Wall Plug-in type, 110-230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, Output 12V DC, 2A. Energy use 24 Watt. The power adapter is fully UL certified, holds additional certifications for International use.
MOUNTING: Wall and Ceiling. Comes with a mounting kit that includes metal chains for hanging and wall plugs/screws for mounting on a wall.
PACKAGING: Packed in a corrugated carton box
Carton Dimension: 27.5*19.7*1.96" (70*50*5 CM)
Carton Weight: 9.25 Lbs. (4.2 Kg)
When shipping the box is wrapped in protective bubble wrap or in a second protective carton box. Final packaging may vary depending on the fulfillment center that ships the product.