The Flash Worlds Collide is an upcoming superhero film featuring Barry Allen, a forensic scientist who gains superhuman speed. As he embraces his role as The Flash, Barry discovers the ability to travel through time and dimensions. Directed by Andy Muschietti, the movie promises a unique storyline involving multiverses and iconic DC characters. With appearances by Michael Keaton as Batman, The Flash combines action, humor, and heartfelt moments, making it an exciting addition to the DC Extended Universe.
DC Comics LED Illuminated Poster Signs bring your favorite character to life with brightly lit inkjet print, embedded in a solid slimline Acrylic (PMMA) body.
The high-end posters illuminate the graphic and have a unique 'neon-style' edge glow that adds a magic atmosphere to any room in the house!
The LED sign is both safe and economical to use. For Indoor Use. Wall mounted or suspended from ceiling.
Body: Acrylic (PMMA)
Size: 11x15.7in /27x40cm
Thickness: 0.5" /1cm
Graphic: Inkjet + Screen Printing
Lighting: High Durability LED
POWER-ADAPTER: Wall Plug-in type, 110-230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, Output 12V DC, 0.5A. Energy use 6 Watt. The power adapter is fully UL certified, holds additional certifications for International use.
MOUNTING: Wall Mounted.